Beautiful Message written in arabic language
تذكر ان ما تصنعه الْيوم لنفسك ستكسبه في الغد سالبا او موجبا
لكن تذكر أيضا ان الحياة عبر
قال تعالى
فَاعْتَبِرُوا يَا أُولِي الْأَبْصَارِ
وايضاً قال
فَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ يَا أُولِي الْأَلْبَابِ الَّذِينَ...
Memaparkan catatan dengan label english. Papar semua catatan
Memaparkan catatan dengan label english. Papar semua catatan
Ahad, 14 April 2019
Ahad, 17 Mac 2019
Beautiful Article For Christchurch Mosque Killer
10:49:00 PG
Beautifully written by a Chinese revert sister. (It is written to the killer).
(I) Appreciate that you made the effort to find out the timing of our noon prayer.
Appreciate that you learnt more about our religion to know that Fridays are the days the men go to the Mosques for their congregational prayers.
But I guess there were some things you, rather...
Khamis, 25 Oktober 2018
Prostitutes, Wine And Sultan Murad
10:39:00 PTG
-Story of Ewliyah Nalıncı Mimi Dede from Istanbul
Sultan Murad, the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire would often anonymously go into the midst of the people and see their state. One evening, he felt an uneasiness in himself and the urge to go out. He called for his head of security and and out they went. They came to a busy vicinity,and found a man lying on...
Selasa, 29 Mei 2018
How Islamic are the Islamic Countries
2:36:00 PTG
A study conducted by Prof. Hussain Askari of George Washington University entitled *“How Islamic are the Islamic Countries"* showed that most of the countries that apply *Islamic Principles* in their daily lives are not ones that are traditionally Muslim.
New Zealand ranked 1st,
Luxembourg 2nd,
Ireland 3rd,
Iceland 4th,
Finland 5th,
Denmark 6th
Canada 7th.
Ahad, 27 Mei 2018
Everyone's Rizq is fixed.
3:09:00 PTG
A brother moved to Makkah many years ago. He was a high flying manager of major departmental stores in U.K., Malaysia and China.
He had been brought in by Bin Dawood stores as a regional manager for the Makkah region. He was from England.
After living and working in Saudi for some time, he later narrated how he found it so strange, unique and uplifting...
Rabu, 21 Februari 2018
Why Choose Fatwa over civil laws? UN committee asks Malaysia
5:30:00 PTG
Sad new when Malaysia being ask this silly question. But they have right to ask this question because they not a muslim.
This issue refer National Registration Department’s (NRD) refusal to allow Muslim children born within six months of their parents’ marriage, to take their father’s names and instead using the “bin Abdullah” suffix often associated with...
Selasa, 9 Mei 2017
Islam - The Straight Path
10:03:00 PG